On March 29th, I’m gonna take a walk. More specifically, I’m going to start out on a walk that I likely won’t complete until August (or later). During this time, I will be attempting to complete a thru-hike of the 2650 mile Pacific Crest Trail, or PCT.
Starting at the Mexican border in Campo, just outside San Diego, this excursion will take me through California, Oregon and Washington. I’ll traverse both the Sierra and Cascade mountain ranges and cross the Sonoran and Mojave deserts. I’ll experience 7 national parks, 25 national forests and probably hundreds (if not thousands) of packs of tuna as I head north towards Canada.
Completing this trail has been a dream of mine for many years, and my time on the JMT in California and Section J of the PCT in Washington last September confirmed that this was the path I would walk in 2021. I can’t describe the constant longing that I have had for the simplicity that comes with living out of a backpack in the wilderness since I got off the trail last year.
I invite you now to join me on this walk. Since none of my friends have volunteered to walk up to 30 (or more) miles a day for months on end – apparently they possess a level of sanity that I am lacking – I invite y’all to experience snippets of this journey with me, through the photos, stories, thoughts, and rambling anecdotes that I will attempt to post with some reasonable regularity. I’ll have my Garmin InReach GPS active so that y’all can track my daily location in real time. I also have some other plans for ways to share this adventure with y’all that I’ll be mentioning in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!
Basically, I say all this to say that this little walk that I’m going on – it’s gonna be one big adventure, likely the adventure of a lifetime! I can’t wait to share it with y’all!